Great orcas: Where To spot killer whales in Wild

Want to see whales in the wild? Make sure you're in the right place at the right time.
This Universe is full of magic while we are talking about birds, snakes, frogs or see Whales in wild everything is magical in this planet. Maybe you feel so small next to the Blue Whales can weight an astounding 300,000Pounds. Whales aren't animals that we can see every day. To observe these gentle giants in their natural habitats, add one of these coastal destinations teeming with whale-watching opportunities to your bucket list.

Here are the someplace to see Killer whales

  • Vancouver Island, Canada
  • Québec, Canada
  • Iceland
  • Dominica
  • Baja California, Mexico
  • Colombia
  • Scotland
  • Azores
  • Western Cape, South Africa
  • Sri Lanka

1. Vancouver Island, Canada

Which whales - Orca, grey, humpback, minke

Why it's a hotspot - Some 20,000 grey whales pass the island’s Pacific coast in spring; it also has resident orca – the most researched pods in the world

Other wildlife - Salmon, sea otter, seal, sea lion, bald eagle

Best for - Close-ups with orca in Johnstone Strait; spotting migrating greys, then attending the Pacific Rim Whale Festival (March)

When to go - March-April (grey); May-September (orca)

2. Québec, Canada

Which whales -Blue, humpback, fin, minke, beluga

Why it's a hotspot - Three currents collide near Tadoussac in the Gulf of St Lawrence’s mouth, stimulating plankton development and providing a veritable feast for whales

Other wildlife - Seal, porpoise, dolphin, snow goose (Mar-May & Oct)

Best for - Spotting bright-white beluga – Saguenay Fjord is home to a resident population of these ‘sea canaries’
When to go - Best June-Sept

3. Iceland

Which whales - Minke, humpback, blue, sperm, sei

Why it's a hotspot - The North Atlantic is a good feeding ground; whale-watching trips run from the west or north of the country – Húsavik is the main hub, but tours also leave from Reykjavík

Other wildlife -  Puffin, porpoise, dolphin

Best for -  Whalewatching under the midnight sun (June-July); visiting Húsavik Whale Museum

When to go - Best May-September; June-July (blue); May-August (puffin)

4. Dominica

Which whales - Sperm, humpback, short-finned pilot, false killer, melon head, pygmy sperm

Why it's a hotspot - Steep underwater drop-offs along the Nature Isle’s west coast create sheltered bays – ideal places for sperm whales to breed and calve

Other wildlife - Dolphin, pelican, turtle

Best for - Shore-based and boat-based sightings of resident sperm whales

When to go - Year-round but best November-March (sperm); January-April (humpback)

5. Baja California, Mexico

Which whales - Grey, blue, fin, Bryde’s, humpback, sperm, minke

Why it's a hotspot - Greys come to breed in San Ignacio Lagoon, on the Pacific coast; multiple species congregate in the food-rich Sea of Cortez

Other wildlife - Dolphin, California sea lion, Guadalupe fur seal, northern elephant seal, blue-footed booby, frigatebird

Best for - Eyeballing friendly greys, which bump right up against small boats and love to be hugged

When to go - Best February-April

6.  Colombia

Which whales - Humpback

Why it's a hotspot - Colombia’s Pacific coast is on a humpback migration route; sighting hotspots include Nuqui, Bahía Solano and Bahía Málaga. Combine the whales with a spot of jungle trekking

Other wildlife - Turtle, dolphin, sea lion

Best for - Taking boat trips to spot breaching humpbacks and mothers with calves

When to go - Best July-Nov (whales); Jan-July (turtle nesting)

7.  Scotland

Which whales - Minke, humpback, fin, sperm, orca

Why it's a hotspot - A third of the North Atlantic’s whale population migrates via western Scotland every year, while some species are resident year-round

Other wildlife - Dolphin, porpoise, white-tailed eagle, puffin

Best for - The possibility of large pods of orca, especially off Shetland; minke sightings off the Hebrides

When to go - Best May-October

8. Azores

Which whales - Sperm, humpback, sei, bearded, blue, short-finned pilot, orca, fin

Why it's a hotspot -The remote archipelago sits in nutrient-rich waters; the seas sustain resident whale populations, while the islands are also visited by migrating species

Other wildlife - Dolphin, turtle, manta ray, petrel, shearwater

Best for - Seeing sperm whales spy hopping; swimming with dolphins; gazing out from vigias (whale observation posts)

When to go - Year-round (sperm); late March-early June (blue, fin, sei)

9. Western Cape, South Africa

Which whales - Southern right, humpback, Bryde’s

Why it's a hotspot - Two oceans converge, resulting in a huge diversity of marine life; sheltered bays and warmer waters provide calving spots for migrating whales

Other wildlife - Great white shark, dolphin, African penguin, Cape fur seal, black oystercatcher

Best for - Shore-based spotting along the Whale Route; Hermanus Whale Festival 

When to go - Best July-Nov; May-Dec (humpback)

10. Sri Lanka

Which whales - Blue, sperm, humpback, Bryde’s

Why it's a hotspot - Sri Lanka’s southern tip nudges the depths of the continental shelf, favoured by blues; nowhere else does the world’s biggest creature swim so close to land, so reliably

Other wildlife - Dolphin, turtle, flying fish

Best for - Cruising out from Dondra Head to spot mighty blues

When to go - Best January-April

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